The LORD Corrects Himself During Prophetic Word
On Sunday, August 5th, at Faith Full-Gospel Church in Salt Lick, Kentucky, dear old saint Mabel Sawyer, once again, felt impressed to give a word from the Lord in the morning church service.
“I just felt the Holy Ghost all over me!” Mabel shared excitedly. “When that happens I just have to speak it out or I’d burst!”
This was no sweet “God loves you” exhortation. This was one of judgment for the church’s complacency, lack of holiness, and for its members shopping at Walmart on Sundays. As Mabel reached the end of her prophetic utterance, she concluded with, “I, the Lord, declare Michelob on this wayward church!”
As the congregation gasped, visitors looked puzzled at what was said. Mabel paused for a moment and continued, “I, the Lord, have made a mistake. The word is Ichabod, not Michelob! Thus saith the Lord!”
As a result of this faux pas, Mrs. Sawyer will be assigned to nursery duty for the next few weeks. Bless her heart.
Reporter: Dr Parson Peeves