Trump UK visit: Protestors hold classic British ironic campaign


Trump UK visit 2018:  President Trump finishes his UK visit today after meeting the Prime Minister Theresa May and the Queen.

In celebration of the dry wit that the English are famous for, thousands of people turned out to hold a ironic protest against his visit.

The man who crowd-funded a £25,000 plastic inflatable Trump Baby Balloon said, “I can’t believe how he doesn’t help the poor and how his policies are bad for the environment!”

One of the protestors against President Trump’s hate-fuelled toxic politics carried a “Love Trumps Hate” sign and shouted “Someone needs to *@%!#* kill him!”

A spokesperson from Momentum, the left wing group rife with anti-Semitism said “It’s disgusting how xenophobic he is, especially with his travel ban on flights from Muslim countries like North Korea and Venezuela “

Another protestor who hates Trump’s policies on immigration wants all illegal immigrants allowed in regardless, when asked about legal immigrants she responded, “Well they should use the current Green card system, pay the citizen application fees and background and financial checks, provide the documents, and prove their employment or family connection like everyone else except the illegals.”

Finally, I interviewed two protestors who were passionately opposed to Trump’s misogyny and carried placards covered with misandrist sexually degrading statements. “How does you protest here today compare to when you protested against the Saudi Arabian prince’s visit?”

They replied, “Oh no, we’ve only come today – Trump is far worse than Saudi Arabia with American women able to vote, wear what they like, swim, interact with men, compete in sports, try on clothes whilst shopping and don’t need to get permission from a male guardian to do anything!”

Ah, what a protest!  A perfect example of British humour in full flow.

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