New Ventilation Regulations for Underground Church

Church Life

CHINA—New government regulations have been imposed on the Chinese underground church to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. While persecution is still cited as the number one cause of death, CO poisoning is trailing at a close second.

Minimal requirements are a single CO detector in each unknown place of worship.

Skeptics of the government crackdown say the new law is unlikely to be effective due to the secretive nature of these churches making it hard for the government to enforce it. But the government is determined to press ahead regardless in an unprecedented level of care for the Christians.

A further regulation under consideration is the mandatory installation of a window to enhance ventilation.  Though critics think this is just a veiled attempt to help the government “inspectors” locate the churches.

Stay tuned as we will keep you posted on the progress of such actions being taken to save lives. It was also reported that one of the inspectors thought he could make out the barely audible words to a praise song that sounded much like “Every breath I take” as he hunted for the facility to which he was scheduled to deliver a certificate.

Reporter: Angry Nursery Worker

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