The Salty Cee Tribute to the Kindness Ninja

Church Life

Most Ninjas Can’t Be Seen, but We’re Glad We Could See the Kindness Ninja

We at the Cee are trying to cope with the loss of one of our most beloved tweeps: @DonnaGeee aka the Kindness Ninja.

As you know we Cee writers met on Twitter where most of us run Christian Anon parody accounts.  Donna became known as the DenMother of all the parody accounts.

She would seem to find the newbies and encourage and retweet them until they got a larger audience.

This post is not satire but a tribute from the Salty Cee writing team about how she impacted us on Twitter through her kindness, thoughtfulness, and encouragement.

As I awoke in the wee hours of the morning to find a text on my phone, I was just as shocked as everyone who knew The Kindness Ninja through various social media platforms and in real life.

Obviously, I could not go back to sleep as my heart was so heavy and I imagined a near shutdown of Twitter as our dear friend would no longer be tweeting, sending DMs, and tagging us in those super-sweet GIFs that she was so fond of. Much like losing a family member, I had no desire to be snarky, sarcastic, or even make a joke, because none of that seemed to matter. I had just lost the woman who would pray for me unceasingly and cared so much about so many people. The crosses she made me will be a constant reminder of her friendship, albeit we had never met in person.

From an anon Twitter standpoint, I owe any following or success to Donna’s famous #FF (follow Friday) tweets. She was one of the most selfless people I have ever known and it is no surprise that her last activity on earth was serving others by volunteering for Operation Christmas Child.

She is spending this Christmas at home with her Savior, and there will no doubt be tears on my keyboard as I attempt to type this small tribute to an amazing woman of God. —Angry Nursery Worker


When I started out my “Not the Bible” Twitter account exactly 2 years ago today – it took a while until I found my tribe and very quickly Twitter recommended that I should follow Donna.  She used to do her #FF posts and I teased her about how she had forgotten to add me.  Bless her, she then did a special “follow” post for just me and the rest is history.
She retweeted my funny memes and encouraged me so much that I sent her a copy of one of my books to say ‘thank you’.  She sent me a DM saying how much she laughed.  She also bought my other books and read my blog and prayed for my wife.

Amazon wouldn’t let her write a review on my book (as I had sent her a copy so she wasn’t deemed independent) for which she apologised.  I still stand by what I said then: your friendship and encouragement is worth far more to me than a review.
John Spencer aka Not the Bible


I remember a while back when Donna was in the hospital. I found out which hospital she was in and called her room. She was so surprised when I said, “Hi! Donna. This is Parson Peeves.” I was able encourage her who had encouraged so many.

Not long after that, we got into a lengthy DM game of her trying to figure out my real identity. I’d give her some rather obscure clues, she’d guess incorrectly, and post GIF’s of her frustration. I’d give her the the obligatory “LOL.”

This went on until she finally, by process of elimination, she figured out who I was. She is one of the few who knows who I am in “real life.” I never questioned her commitment to keep my identity a secret.

Her death hit many hard. She will be greatly missed.


A lot of people don’t know this, but I had another anon account before Crass Christian called Geetars4Jesus, a worship pastor character I’d invented for the sole purpose of mocking worship pastors.

It was great fun, but it died out quick. However, while I was making jokes about fog machines and adapting Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” into a worship song for funerals, I received a DM from this lady calling herself the Kindness Ninja.

Now, I’m a pretty private person, so when she offered me these cross bookmarks she made for people on Twitter, I tried to refuse as politely as I could. She understood, of course, as we’re told never to give out our addresses to complete strangers from the time we’re in Pampers.

But over the course of the next year, Donna and I became friends. In fact, I attribute many of my Twitter follows from her #FollowFridays.

She prayed for me when I was having some muscular issues that were keeping me from going to the gym, she encouraged me to go to the gym and even watched my lame YouTube videos I’d made, documenting my progress. I don’t think she ever missed one.

Last night, I heard the news of her passing, and I cried. I cried when a person I’d had very little real life interaction with passed away because I was going to truly miss her and all of her tweets.

Donna was a light to us, in a social media platform that often gets described as “toxic” and “chaotic”, Donna chose to rise above it all and be kind and polite to everyone. I know she’s with Jesus now, and my only thought is, “I really hope He doesn’t tell her I found out the news while I was in the bathroom, or I’m going to hear about that for eternity now.”

Goodbye, Kindness Ninja. I’m sorry I never got one of your bookmarks, but thank you for loving me in spite of myself, and for always showing Christ to everyone. See you soon enough,


I began the @Furious_Xtian account roughly a year ago. It didn’t take long to realize that Christian Twitter can be a dark and depressing place with unending argument about politics, doctrine, and pineapple pizza.

But it can also be a place of great encouragement. Donna will forever be known for this. On any given day, there was one of her “happy day” posts waiting in my notifications. The encouragement flowed freely between brothers and sisters from there and it was absolutely infectious.

I received 6 of Donnas cross bookmarks this past June – one for each of my family. It’s a rather unextraordinary in its own right – neither fancy nor flashy – but it’s the perfect reminder of her simple, beautiful kindness. I treasure it.

Donna lived John 13:35 out loud– “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” – and may we all do the same. We are sad in our loss, but glad in her gain. She rests in the arms of her Savior.

Furious Christian

It’s quite appropriate (and a bit eerie) that today is .

We think she would’ve liked that…

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