Believe Women…sometimes
Do you remember when Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh came under fire by Democrats & #metoo supporters because of alleged sexual misconduct while he was in preschool (oh and there was that Dr Christine Blasey-Ford one too)?
We were told to #BelieveWomen – after all why would they lie about something like that? Whereas the Republicans wanted to ignore these allegations or at least have a proper trial.
Well the foot’s really on the other hand now (or something like that).
Serious sexual assault allegations have been made against Virginia Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax by Dr Vanessa Tyson and also by a second Meredith Watson.
The Republicans are now keen that we should #BelieveWomen and have this man removed from office and the very Democrats who opposed Kavanaugh’s confirmation seem to want to ignore these allegations or at least have a proper trial.
So it seems that the #BelieveWomen statement needs to be updated to #BelieveWomen(UnlessTheyAccusePeopleInYourOwnParty).
We think it’s rather catchy and will soon be making it’s way around the interweb as people rally behind this great and noble truth.
Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible