Elijah holds key to world’s missing hair ties and socks!

Church Life

Long has it been a mystery to every woman on the face of the earth:

Where do all the missing hair ties go?

And for men:

Where do all the odd socks go?

I mean they can’t just disappear, can they?

Well maybe they can…

We know that Enoch was simply no more (Gen 5:24) because God took him away, but we are scant on details.  But the account of Elijah going up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11) that gives us the key to this disappearing mystery.

For he was taken to heaven with most, but not all, of his clothes – for only his cloak was left behind.

Does this not reflect the reality women experience?  They get undressed and leave everything, including their hair ties, in one place to discover everything is there except the hair tie.

But the question we have to ask is why?  What need would heaven have for hair ties?

We know that in heaven they shall not grow old – but we know that hair grows even after people die – and Jesus is always depicted with long hair – so clearly the need for hair ties is great in heaven.

Now where do all the odd socks go?

Well Jesus told us in Matthew 24:20 that two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left behind.

And as we saw with Elijah, clothes go too despite what Tim LaHaye says in the Left Behind series of books (we think he just got confused when writing with his steamy 1976 book, “The Act of Marriage”).

Is this not our experience with socks? 

Two are put in the washing machine, one is taken but the other is left behind?

But again the question is: what need is there in heaven for socks?

In John’s vision of heaven (Revelation 7:9) we see that there will be people from every nation, tribe, people and language.  And that includes the British, who despite their many charms still think that socks and sandals are a thing.

So there you have it – this is John Spencer aka Not the Bible reporting the reason why some things just disa….

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