Lit worship songs result in third degree burns

Church Life

What started off as the usual Friday night youth worship event at the Real Agape Warehouse playing some lit worship songs ended up with a scene from a disaster movie.

“The band and I were rocking some great tunes,” explained guitarist Jamie ‘Jed’ Delacruz, “when we sung ‘Wild One‘ from Sean Feucht which has the refrain ‘set us on fire.'”

Bass player, ‘The Big D’ took up the story as Jed welled up, “It was crazy man, we had only sung it about 267 times when the heavens opened and fire came down.”

The drummer ‘Baz’ interrupted, “It was like something out of Acts except this was real flames and I’m not sure whether the screaming counted as speaking in tongues or not.”

Vocalist Jenny added, “God was answering our prayers and it was like amazing until we realised that he had taken us literally over our singing just some cool lyric.”

The tragic result of this Mount Carmel experience was third-degree burns for about 70% of the youth at the event.  Those who managed to escape relatively unscathed were ‘lost in worship’ and were just swaying with their eyes closed when they smelt burning.

“I thought the evening was going to finish with a hog roast or something,” stated Emily, “but when I opened my eyes I realised the screaming wasn’t people running to get in line but running to the baptistry.”

This led to the youth pastor to mistake the event for a revival, “I was like man, God has worked through these lit worship songs and now people are wailing over their sins and getting baptised.  Then I saw the fire and called 911.”

One thing’s for sure, the youth will be more careful about what they’ll sing in the future.

Jed concluded, “Yeah when we sing that song we now say ‘Set us on fire metaphorically'”

Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible


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