Thai Navy SEALs Called to Find Husband Lost in IKEA


On July 5th, Heather Reed and her husband, Randy visited the massive store to pick up a few things for the kitchen and den. Upon arrival Mrs. Reed helped her husband navigate through the furniture, past the area rugs and textiles, around the lighting and home office departments to the restaurant where Randy would keep himself occupied with Swedish meatballs, chocolate cake, and coffee.

The Reeds set a time and were to meet up by the kitchen utensils, but Randy hasn’t been seen since.

“We know he’s here trying to find his way out.” said assistant store manager Sven Karlsson. “For the moment he is lost somewhere in the maze of products.” Karlsson continued, “It is our hope Mr. Reed has met up with others who have been reported as missing in the store. They could use the support of each other.”

Upon receiving word that the Thai Navy SEALs have been contacted and are en route, Mrs. Reed has found renewed hope that her husband will be found alive and brought to safety. “If anyone can find him, I know those Thai SEALs can.” said a tearful Heather on her way to pick up a few more decorations for an upcoming pool party she’ll be hosting.

Reporter: Dr Parson Peeves

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