Ambitious Disciple’s Right Hand Campaign Ends Awkwardly
The Gospels report a strange story about James and John having their mommy ask Jesus for preferential treatment in heaven.
Across all cultures, Mom having to go to bat for her sons past age 8 is grounds for removing a corner from their man card or parchment.
It’s unclear if other disciples had their third cousins, favorite uncle, least bratty niece, or second best acquaintance who was not a Pharisee ask for similar favors.
Does not cheating at camel trading get you a better seat in the afterlife?
The recently discovered Q document,
The coveted sit-at-my-right-hand position remains TBA, but the twelve disciples neatly filled other available slots.
While Bartholomew received stand-sheepishly-behind-my-left-shoulder, James was relegated to slouch-in-a-corner-using your-cell-phone-to-overcome-crippling-social-anxiety.
According to translators, it seems that Jesus appointed John to occasional footstool status.Â
Reporter: Dripping Ether