Archaeologists discover the real reason John beat Peter to the tomb

Church Life

In John’s gospel chapter 20 verse 4, it tells the story of Peter and John racing to Jesus’ tomb after hearing from Mary Magdelene that it was empty:

“Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.”

Initially, scholars thought this was merely how St John pointed out his superiority to St Peter (along with referring to himself throughout his gospel as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” whereas Peter was always just called Peter).

However, a recent excavation by archaeologists on the Isle of Patmos, where St John was exiled under the Roman emperor Domitian, has uncovered a pair of sandals that may explain St John’s superior running ability.

Archaeologists were shocked to find remains of a kelp like seaweed sewn in the sole, unlike other sandals worn at the time.

“We believe that the air sacs from the seaweed would have functioned in a similar way to modern day trainers and would have offered unparalleled running comfort.”

“These ‘Air Bethlehem’ sandals would explain how the rather effeminate John would have beaten the physically stronger Peter to the tomb.”

 Idea by Grant Koenig
Written by: John Spencer aka Not the Bible 

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