Church of the Salty Cee Church Bulletin

Church Life

The Church of the Salty Cee Church Bulletin: Keeping you up-to-date, in-the-loop and ear-to-the-ground on all the gossip events that will be happening this week.


Tuesday, 9/25 at 8AM we are having our regularly scheduled prayer meeting. Gladys promises her uncle from Kentucky is no longer visiting and Gladys’ family apologizes for all the snakes he brought last week.
Saturday, 9/29, 1PM-3PM is our annual Wash & Give. The youth will be taking donations to wash and vacuum your vehicles, along with the church vans. All loose change, french fries, and hard candy collected from the seat creases and floors of the vehicles will be donated to our sister city in Port-au-Prince: Hungry, Hungry, Haitians.
Sunday 10/7 following service Deacon John Spencer will host the newcomer luncheon in the fellowship hall. John will spend a few minutes on the history of the church, arbitrary doctrines, and why the letter ‘u’ is randomly thrown into British words for no apparent reason.


Youth Group Movie Night: Big Trouble in Little China cancelled after realizing the Chinese having “lots of hells” is a false doctrine.

Youth Pastor Search: In the interest of time, the Board has met and preemptively plans to dismiss the future youth pastor for poor performance after six months.

The Marriage Matters class will resume next week, as Jerry Grynn and Heather Barrett will share their testimonies of hope and triumph in persevering through a third divorce. Tuesdays at 6pm in room 102.


Please continue to donate to Brother Crass’ continued medical care. Praise God, He reports the rash has largely subsided and the treatments for the boils have been reduced to 3 times per week. He is still in need of new undergarments, as most of his are now beyond repair.

Let’s celebrate with Brother Smith on his weight loss. He was a big deal, but now he’s half the man he used to be. Join us for cake after the service.

Please remember to pray for little Susie Wilkins’s best friend’s uncle’s coworker’s cat, Jeff. He has a persistent cough that won’t go away.
Remember in prayer, Sister Agatha Worker, who was injured in the church nursery this week when little Johnny Bratt tried to take her nursery juice. She tore a tendon in her shoulder when picking him up by the shirt collar.
Reporter: Furious Christian
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