Hyles-Anderson begins Old-Paths Uber Service

Church Life

With the popularity of Uber, Lyft and now the Amish Uber Service, the Independent Fundamental Baptists did not want to miss an opportunity to get in on the action.

The Old-Paths Ubereth App is now available on the Jitterbug store and Blackberry. 

This is not your normal ride share.  Those who drive must be male because the according to the KJ Only movement, all leaders must be male.  The driver must wear a suit and can only play Southern Gospel or Cassette teachings from KJ Only preachers in their cars. 

Also, men and woman who use this service must be dressed in Old Path’s clothing.  Men must be dressed as Jesus in a suit and no facial hair.  Women must be in full-length dresses and their hair must be in a bun.  No woman may ride with an Old-Paths Ubereth Driver by themselves. 

If a passenger gets in the car with an ESV or NIV they will be asked to leave the vehicle for that ride and receive 3 demerits. 

If a passenger gets in the vehicle with the Message Translation they will be forbidden to ever ride in Old-Paths Ubereth and will be expelled from their Bible College and/or lose their Honorary Doctorates.

The method of Payment is a Love Offering.

Reporter: Northworst Seminary

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