Lakewood Church Seeking Home for Overstock of Unused Bibles
HOUSTON, TX—The staff of Lakewood Church
The 2,500 square foot storage area is currently warehousing about 40,000 unopened Bibles which were donated by the Billy Graham Association to be distributed to attendees at the Sunday services.
However, the congregation has been so encouraged by Pastor Joel Osteen’s messages of motivation and encouragement that they haven’t needed to turn to the Bible for any help in their time of need.
“Years ago I felt like I was a sinner who had to confess my failings before a holy God,” said one member of the congregation, “But now I know that I am perfect just the way I am and have a God whose sole purpose is to bless my life and my finances.”
Church officers have considered using them to create a sculpture of the Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler but decided that gold would work so much better.
Reporter: Angry Nursery Worker