Report: Ministry time 40% more effective with music playing

Church Life

Scientists have finally confirmed what has long been suspected by the goosebumps of congregations everywhere: prayer and ministry are just oh-so-better with soft music playing in the background.

Researchers from the University of Oxford examined the effects of prayer on 1,000 individuals with gentle music playing in the background against a control group that had no music.

Participants who were ministered to with music experienced a boost to their sense of well-being and were found to experience the Holy Spirit 40% more than those who had no music.

Pastor Jim Sparks who sponsored the research commented, “Jesus said in the Gospel of John that we would do even greater things than him because he was going to the Father and we know from Daniel 7 that when he ascended there was much worshipping.  Therefore it makes sense that we will do these greater things with slick worship music in the background.  I only feel sorry for those poor Christians in third world countries whose experience of Christ is limited due to the lack of quality worship bands.”

The pastor has started a new charity called “Music for Ministry” that sends out worship CDs to disadvantaged Christians around the globe so that they too may experience the fullness of Christ.

Professor Christof Chestikov who conducted the research has also seen positive effects of having Country Music playing in the background, “It is well known that Jesus was from a country town so it makes sense that his kind of music would be beneficial.”

The Professor is currently examining the effect on ministry time whilst playing Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on Prayer”.

Reporter:  John Spencer aka Not the Bible

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