IAMS pet food sued for blasphemy


Mars Inc. is being sued by a group of Jews for blasphemy over their IAMS pet food range.

Rabbi Benjamin Vogel issued a statement, “Their advertising is clearly seeking to mimic the holy name of YHWH which means ‘I am who I am’ and is mocking it by saying that the cat is G_d!”

This issue is made all the more painful as the Israelites were held as slaves under the Egyptians who worshipped cats – so this advertising is rubbing salt into an old wound.

A spokesperson for the company stated, “I really don’t see what the problem is – it was just a cute marketing phrase – we’re not making any statement about God.”

The cat we interviewed made no comment on claiming to be God but they did make our reporter let them in and out 15 times during the interview and refused to even respond until they had been properly groomed and fed fresh tuna.

 “Reporter”: John Spencer aka Not the Bible

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