Serena Williams: coach was mansplaining not coaching!


Serena Williams recently lost the final of US Open Tennis tournament to Naomi Osaka but still managed to steal the limelight by her spectacular meltdown in support of women’s rights and women’s equality.

It all started when her coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, was using signals to coach her during the match (and was absolutely nothing to do with her losing).  This led umpire Carlos Ramos to give the first code violation.  She berated him for this saying she did not cheat.

The second violation was for Serena throwing her racket in a rage after which she then laid into Ramos branding him a thief for taking the first point away. 

This led to her third violation for verbal abuse which resulted in a game being taken away.

Mouratoglou later admitted, “I’m honest, I was coaching.”

However, Serena was adamant that he was not coaching but mansplaining which she as “an independent woman” totally switches off from. 

Mouratoglou admits that this makes it difficult to teach her anything without her eyes glazing over.

In a post-match interview Serena Williams gave this impassioned speech:

“This wasn’t just a point taken away but a symbol of the oppression of whites against black, of men against women.  My anger was not from being a bad loser but rage against the tyranny of the White Patriarchy of the tennis court.”

“Rules should not have to apply to women nor to blacks nor to any other oppressed victims.  I know that my work today will one day mean that we will no longer have to wear ‘whites’ at these events and that women will finally be able to play best of 5 games in a match instead of being mocked as weaker with best of 3.”

Rumours circulate that her clothing brand will now bear the image of the broken tennis racket in solidarity with other oppressed rich and famous tennis stars who are looking for someone else to blame for losing.

Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible

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