Snopes Starting New Satirical Fact Checking Website

News announced at a press conference this afternoon that they would be starting a new satirical fact checking website.

This comes after a recent study by the Institute of Research showed that all stories on satirical websites are false.

Snopes spokesman Owen Humperlam said, “Earlier this week, we fact checked an article on the Babylon Bee website and determined that it was False.  We were intrigued, however, by the disclaimer on the Bee’s website that they were, ‘satire.’ After looking up the definition of, ‘satire’ on, we decided to create a new, satirical website of our own to compete with the Bee, The Onion and the Gold Standard for all satirical websites, the Salty Cee.”

Mr. Humperlam stated that their new website would not only fact check articles on satirical websites, but would make up their own satire to, “fact check,” thus ensuring a never ending stream of satire and fact checking.

This follows Congress’s failure to regulate satirical comedy that would have required explicit labelling of all satirical articles.

According to Mr. Humperlam, the new website will go live on August 1, 2019 and will be called The Salty Babylon

The owner and publisher of the Salty Cee, John Spencer, released a statement stating that it was an honor to be satirized in the new website’s name. However, he objected to the American spellings of his statement in this article.

A spokesperson for The Onion was unavailable for a comment. The in-house counsel for The Babylon Bee, Dewey Cheatham and Howe, immediately issued a cease and desist order.

Reporter: Jeff the Comma Head

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