Political Christians horrified to discover the book of Daniel
A recently discovered manuscript, dating to the sixth century BC, describes the events of four Hebrew youths: Daniel, Hanania, Mishael, and Azaria and their work for the government.
What has been most shocking about this “Book of Daniel” was that the protagonist and his friends actually defied Nebuchadnezzar and other wicked rulers when their rulings were contrary to their religious principles. Even though this led to them being thrown into the fiery furnace or the lion’s den.
“This is a fascinating document that, if true, has huge ramifications for how we Christians engage with politics. Traditionally, we have naturally put our allegiance in our party above Christ as Paul instructed us to submit to the authorities. Besides, the political parties are clearly the ones who can make our land more godly.”
“But to stand up against them and hold them to account especially when they’re in your favored party? That’s just not the New Testament way. I mean the story of Daniel interpreting a dream for King Nebuchadnezzar must be an allegory, as there’s no way a leader would bestow honor on someone who revealed the less than favorable report. I mean this whole manuscript implies that we should put God before our party and so must clearly be non-canonical.”
Reporter: Dr Parson Peeves