You’ll never guess why this congregation takes stones to church during COVID restrictions

Church Life

The Coronavirus lockdown has affected churches in every country.  While some have stated that social distancing has drastically improved greeting time others have struggled with the restrictions on meeting together, in particular the ban on singing.

However, one church accidentally stumbled upon a clever way around this restriction.

“We were reading out the words of a hymn, as singing spreads the virus even more than ‘sharing the peace’ when we heard this beautiful worship song,” stated Jim.

“The congregation stopped in amazement.  It was like the purest singing we have ever heard…” sighed Jane.

“It seemed to be coming from one of the children but none of them were singing,” said the youth worker Leroy.

Closer inspection revealed it to be coming from one of the children’s pockets. Inside they discovered the worship was coming from a pebble they’d picked up from a recent beach trip.

“At first I thought it was demonic,” stated Pastor Ford, “but then I remembered Luke 19:40 where the Pharisees were trying to stop his disciples from singing and Jesus replied, ‘I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.'”

“I confess that I always thought that this passage was metaphorical,” claimed associate pastor Bob, “But now we know better and we all brings stones to the services.”

However, some Baptists have condemned the church for their behaviour as they believe that all rock music is of the devil.

Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible 

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